the Ultimate Florist’s Planner

The Ultimate Florist’s planner is a digital planner designed by a florist for florists

When I first started my floral business it was immediately clear how many roles I would need to take on. The to-do list was, and still is, never ending. So, like many other wedding and event florists, I developed a system for onboarding new clients and the design process. And it was very rough, unorganized and lacked efficiency. While my business grew so did the need for better systems. There are a few programs out there that can help with these processes but I prefer to have a little more control over my processes. I don’t like having to do things a certain way, I don’t like having to rely on an internet browser and wifi to access my information and I don’t like having to pay monthly fees for something I could do myself.

So I did.

It started with a simple table that would help me calculate the price per stem so that I could accurately build out floral recipes. I was spending a lot of time on my phone calculator with a pen and paper scrawling prices all over the place. Then I was introduced to spreadsheets. I created a pricing table that would help me calculate the prices per stem, wholesale cost, retail price and profits. It then grew to an estimate table that calculated total balance, labor and processing fees, etc. Now The Ultimate Florist’s Planner is a 4 page digital planner to help you organize all of your essential event information: yearly calendar of events, vendor contact information, inventory and a very detailed event template to help you stay organized from the day you onboard a new client.

Yearly Calendar

This spreadsheet automatically updates the days of the month based on the year you input into the table. It also automatically highlights the date on the calendar once you input your event information. This is one of my favorite features of the planner, it makes it super easy for you to see when your availability is so you can plan more weddings or more play time.


There are so many names and business names I am having to keep track of each season. Even thought my phone does a pretty good job at organizing my contact information, The Ultimate Florist’s Planner organizes this information by industry. So if you’re looking for a planner or a photographer, you can easily find that information. The planner also utilizes some of this information to make your event planning process more efficient.


After my second season I had accumulated so many things: vases, candles, candle holders, linens, supplies, etc. We can agree it takes a lot of stuff to make a wedding happen. So I designed a spreadsheet to help you keep track of your inventory. It has a space for you to input information like measurements, amount on hand, cost, price, a photo. This way you can visually see everything you have on hand and how much you have of it.

new event template

The most detailed spreadsheet of The Ultimate Florist’s Planner is designed so that you can collect and record all of your essential event information, build detailed estimates including a breakdown of all of the fees, calculate the retail price per stem as well the amount of stems you need and any stems leftover, and quickly create recipes for all of your arrangements in your event with equations to help you make sure you’re not going over budget.

All you need is a Google account and access to their Sheets application. This makes it so that you can easily access your planner on your phone, ipad, desktop, or laptop seamlessly. One of my favorite things about using Google Sheets is that it allows you to access your planner offline. Even though some venues or places have Wifi, I don’t always want to ask for it or it might be convenient to access it at the time. You can isolate the Pricing portion of the New Event Template spreadsheet so you can quickly print off your flower list and take it with you to the market.

If you are a new florist or a florist that is looking to update their systems, try The Ultimate Florist’s Planner. It’s a low risk investment that will last you a lifetime. Instantly download it and start organizing your business before the next wedding season starts!


Contemporary Botanical Riverside Wedding at Black Pearl on the Columbia in Washougal, WA


Dreamy Summer Mountain WEDDING AT Ski Bowl, Mt. Hood Oregon