The Ultimate Florist's Planner STONE


Are you wedding and event florist looking for an infrastructure that will help you create detailed estimates, price lists and recipes?

Or are you looking to update your already existing systems?

Not interested in paying for another subscription?

The Ultimate Florist’s Planner is a customizable Google spreadsheet where you can

  • Keep track of your events in an automated yearly calendar

  • Organize and access your preferred vendor information

  • Organize and track all of your inventory and supplies

  • Customize your essential event information

  • Build detailed estimates and calculate labor, processing fees, retainers, and more

  • Quickly calculate price per stem including markups, stem count, and more in an automated price list

  • Create recipes for entire events or use the arrangement calculator to calculate price, cost, rental fees, etc for individual arrangements

This system is designed to help you stay on budget and make sure you are maximizing your profits

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